Richard and Cyral Sheldon
My husband and I grew up in New York City in the 50’s and 60’s. It was effortless to be Jewish at that time in that place. Our neighborhoods, our classmates, our summer camps, the culture in the streets all around us, was Jewish. We didn’t realize how lucky we were and we surely didn’t understand how unusual it was.
Then, we moved to Connecticut and we began to understand. In Connecticut we discovered how much we missed and needed a Jewish community. We also began to realize that we would have to actively participate in that community for it to be there for us.
So we moved from Windsor to West Hartford, sent our three children to Schechter, eventually joined a synagogue, and began to get more involved. What a fabulous Jewish community we discovered: warm, welcoming, diverse, thriving with synagogues, day schools, lectures, concerts, book fairs, film festivals, even The Crown!
Why have we made a legacy commitment? Because someone made this community possible for our family to find and cherish, and now it’s our turn to make sure that those who follow us are as lucky as we were. In addition to our Legacy plans, we have also established Family Philanthropy Funds at the Foundation to eventually be administered by our children. It is our hope that they will continue to value and support the Greater Hartford Jewish community that has educated and nurtured them and given so much to our whole family.