“If we want a strong tomorrow, we have to start planning for that today.” — Rabbi Tuvia Brander

We are excited to share with you our new Life & Legacy video! In this video, you will see donors expressing their passionate reasons for promising after-lifetime gifts to their favorite Jewish organizations in Greater Hartford.

Find out how you can support Greater Hartford’s Jewish community forever with a gift in your will, trust, IRA or life insurance policy. For more information, please contact Kathryn Gonnerman at kgonnerman@jcfhartford.org.

The Foundation Launches Legacy Giving Initiative in Greater Hartford

The Foundation is proud to be spearheading Greater Hartford’s legacy giving initiative that’s part of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s Life & Legacy program. Life & Legacy assists communities across North America to promote after-lifetime giving to build endowments that will provide financial stability to local Jewish day schools, synagogues, social service organizations and other Jewish organizations.

The Foundation Launches

Digital Book Of Life

Our community members care deeply about sustaining our vibrant Jewish community forever by promising after-lifetime gifts through the Foundation to their favorite organizations. We honor our donors by publishing their Legacy stories — in their own words — on our digital Book of Life.

These Organizations are Taking Part in Greater Hartford’s Life & Legacy Program

Be remembered forever by the Greater Hartford Jewish community with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy. To find out more, email Kathryn Gonnerman at kgonnerman at jcfhartford dot org.

Giving with Lasting Impact – JCF Hartford’s Family of FundsLeaving a Legacy – OptionsLife and Legacy