I was born in Hartford and grew up in Cheshire where my parents were founding members of Temple Beth David. My parents were married in 1961 (60 years and still going strong!) by the legendary Rabbi Silverman of the Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford.
We were the only family on our street not to have a Christmas tree at our house,
but it was nice to have our neighbors over and introduce them to our traditions
(latkes, as always, were a huge hit!).
Growing up was Sunday/Hebrew school, bat mitzvah classes, regular trips to
shul, USY and a non-Jewish summer camp (Camp Jewel). I didn’t really find my
feet as an independent, practicing Jew until my mid-forties, during a time of
tremendous personal losses. My first-ever trip to Israel came as an adult about six
years ago. Truly transformational.
With all of the upheaval in the world right now, I feel immensely blessed to live
where I can worship freely and in safety. I am so fortunate to be a member of this
community, and I cherish the legacy built by the generations before me. I want to
ensure that those who come after me can know the same sense of safety,
welcome and community that was here before me. That is why I am leaving a
legacy. I hope my legacy gift will offer the same never-to-be-taken-for-granted
blessings for the generations who come after me.