Endowment Donors are Visionaries

No matter what is happening in the world, donors’ funds provide a steady stream of income forever, whatever the future may bring. Every endowment gift they give expresses an optimism and vision for the future of the organization it supports, and the gift of freedom, flexibility and stability. 


How Endowment Works

When you make an endowment gift, the dollars are invested for the long term. A percentage of the total endowment is granted to the beneficiary you’ve named on a regular basis. The endowment is managed with the goal of growing at least at the pace of inflation, so that your gift will always maintain its buying power.

For more information, contact Michael Elfenbaum, Vice President of Grant Programs, melfenbaum at jcfhartford dot org.

Give to the Causes that Matter Most

Endowment gifts ensure that an organization, cause or program you care about receives steady financial support, in perpetuity. Nonprofit recipients can count on these dollars, plan their work accordingly and strengthen their missions.

Be Remembered for Generations

Endowment gifts ensure that your legacy is remembered for generations to come, in service of the things about which you care most. We can help you pass on your values to your family and the Jewish community.

Giving with Lasting Impact – JCF Hartford’s Family of FundsPower of Endowment