Grants in Action

Community Wish List

Our Community Wish List newsletter highlights activities offered by local Jewish nonprofits. You can fund these vital activities and help keep our community strong! To learn more, please view our Community Wish List.

 Giving is Powerful

When you open a fund with us, you join a community of generous, thoughtful donors. You strengthen the local Jewish community while becoming part of a larger effort to repair our world, Tikkun Olam.

The Foundation Granted $7.1 Million in FY’24

Donors empower our community and our world to remain vibrant — today and forever. We are proud to steward their funds. Their support and partnership allowed us to award 1,390 grants totaling $7.1 million in FY’24. 

These grants provided $5 million to local Jewish organizations, including $2.6 million to the Federation, and $2.1 million to national Jewish organizations, and to local, national and international secular organizations.

We Invest Millions in Greater Hartford’s Vibrant Jewish Community

The Foundation’s grants to the local Jewish community includes $2.6 million to the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford. We invest in unique programs and services that might not be possible without the Foundation’s support.

Grants Support Community Members Locally and in Israel  

The Foundation issued a series of Community Grants to nonprofits to deliver humanitarian aid to people locally and in Israel, after the October 7th war, and to increase security in our community and fight Antisemitism locally and around the world.

In addition, Donor Advised Fund holders recommended more than $1 million in grants to nonprofits following the terrorist attack on Israel.


We Assist with Donors’ Charitable Wishes  

The Foundation supports a community of generous, thoughtful donors. Their grants inspire us and will inspire you. 

Organizations Succeed with Community Action Grants

Our board-directed community grants support the long-term vitality of community organizations such as Jewish Teen Learning Connection (JTConnect).