The Jewish Community of Greater Hartford and Congregation Kol Haverim are special to me for many reasons. I joined Kehilat Chaverim in the late 1970s, helping to “write” High Holiday services in the homes in the West End of Hartford. During those early years, I sensed the importance of establishing a synagogue “East of the River” that offers an important spiritual and social home for me and others who choose membership in a Reform congregation, a community in which all are welcome!
In 1994, a small group of families worked tirelessly to establish Congregation Kol Haverim. It was very exciting to join these efforts. My maternal grandfather was a founding member of the Brothers of Joseph Synagogue in Norwich, CT. That family connection has great meaning for me as I help to sustain Jewish life at Congregation Kol Haverim.
I have fond memories of being a member of the synagogue Board for two terms. I enjoy being co-chair of the Membership and Honorable Menschen Committees. I also participate in Sisterhood activities and plan monthly dinners for the Religious School. In addition to all of my connections at Kol Haverim, I value and support the programs offered by so many organizations that make up our vibrant Jewish community: the Mandell JCC’s Jewish Film and Jewish Book Festivals, the Jewish Historical Society, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Hartford, Voices of Hope, and the Greenberg Center at the University of Hartford.
I was inspired to include Congregation Kol Haverim in my will more than 20 years ago. In 2016, as part of the Aim Chai Endowment Campaign, I added my name to a Designated Fund, benefitting Congregation Kol Haverim, which makes an annual distribution to the synagogue. I am once again excited to help endow the future of our Jewish community with an after-lifetime commitment through the LIFE & LEGACY program.