Bruce and Debby Fischman
We moved back to West Hartford in 1973 after spending our first year of marriage in New York. Each of us wanted to be part of a smaller, tighter knit Jewish community and we were drawn back by the many institutions and opportunities the community offered for a growing family. From pre-school at the JCC to Camp Arena and Temple Beth Israel, we knew we and our two girls would benefit from all the Jewish opportunities available to us. And we all did.
Debby was raised in West Hartford while I grew up on Long Island. When I first visited, I was moved by the high profile of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford. My father-in-law, Harry Gampel, was very active in the community and had been president of the Federation. I started soon after we arrived to get active in the community and Jewish philanthropy and soon learned that giving of one’s time and money truly is rewarding.
In West Hartford, my business flourished, our friendship circle increased, and I became very active in many Jewish agencies as well as fund raising, especially for the Federation and the Jewish Community Foundation. I was fortunate to serve as campaign chair for the Federation and development chair for the Foundation. Debby has been a Lion of Judah for decades and while we don’t live in West Hartford any longer, we remain committed to the community.
A couple of years ago, we sold our West Hartford home but remain loyal to our Jewish roots. We feel so fortunate that our children reaped the benefits that Jewish Hartford has to offer. It’s our privilege to help support the needs of our community.
Legacy giving is key for us and key to the longevity of Jewish Hartford. In addition to establishing several funds at the Jewish Community Foundation, we’ve also established a Legacy gift, ensuring that future generations will have the wonderful experiences and opportunities that our family has had. From generation to generation is the mainstay of Jewish philanthropy. We strongly believe that it is our responsibility to heed that call and insure that future generations of families will have all and more of what was available to us. Our Legacy gift will carry on our Jewish culture of Tzedakah.