The Greshins
We each moved to the Hartford area in the mid-1980s and met at a Jewish Federation Super Sunday event. We were married at Temple Beth Israel and continued to be involved with a number of Jewish organizations, including Jewish Family Services, the Hebrew Home & Hospital, the Federation, and temple youth groups. In 1997, we moved to Simsbury and joined Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation — Emek Shalom, where our 3 children became b’nai mitzvah and were confirmed. We have both served on the Temple’s board.
Judaism has played a central role in both our personal and our family’s lives, and we want to help other members of the Jewish community in perpetuity. We want FVJC to thrive as the center of Jewish cultural and religious life in the Farmington Valley. FVJC is a warm and wonderful community of people from many different walks of life, and all are welcome. We made LIFE & LEGACY gifts to ensure our Temple’s community continues to grow and to pay forward what we have been blessed to have.