I was inspired to make a LIFE & LEGACY commitment to the Mandell Jewish Community Center because I basically live there! It is my second home. I work out there almost every day, and I am on the Board of Directors. Whenever I walk in, I feel like I am home, I am where I belong. It is truly a Community Center. I am jokingly called the Mayor or Governor because I know so many people. I would like the Mandell JCC to be around for many years so other people can feel the same way I do.
The Emanuel has been a part of our family since before I married my husband. He was Bar Mitzvahed there, we were married there, our daughter’s baby naming and Bat Mitzvah were there, and we have shared some sad life cycle events there. The Emanuel community has always been there for us and I am happy to now be there for them.
And the Federation is amazing. They go wherever there is a need. I am grateful that I can make a Legacy commitment to Federation to ensure the future of our Jewish community, and to aid and support Jewish communities around the world.