The Temkins

The Temkin Family
Our commitment to Jewish community runs through generations. A quote from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, z”l, demonstrates our philosophy: “To be a leader, you do not need a crown or robes of office. All you need to do is to write your chapter in the story, do deeds that heal some of the pain of this world, and act so that others become a little better for having known you.”
We try to live by these words, not just for today but for our future. We’ve chosen this community to plant our family’s roots — so that our children, and our children’s children, and everyone who comes after will have not only a strong community, but one that will always remember those who came before them.
We promised an after-lifetime gift of $1 million to Greater Hartford’s Jewish community because we want Alyssa and Lily to understand the importance of paying it forward, and want to help our community organizations remain vital and vibrant. A legacy gift will let us make a difference — far beyond the measure of one lifetime — and offer a joyous Jewish life for all.